Stac snackBar allows you to show the Flutter SnackBar using JSON. To know more about the SnackBar widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
SnackBar Properties​
Property | Type | Description |
content | Map<String, dynamic> | The primary content of the snack bar. |
backgroundColor | String | The snack bar's background color. |
elevation | double | The z-coordinate at which to place the snack bar. This controls the size of the shadow below the snack bar. |
margin | StacEdgeInsets | Empty space to surround the snack bar. |
padding | StacEdgeInsets | The amount of padding to apply to the snack bar's content and optional action. |
width | double | The width of the snack bar. |
shape | StacShapeBorder | The shape of the snack bar. |
hitTestBehavior | HitTestBehavior | Defines how the snack bar area, including margin, will behave during hit testing. |
behavior | SnackBarBehavior | This defines the behavior and location of the snack bar. |
action | StacSnackBarAction | An action that the user can take based on the snack bar. |
actionOverflowThreshold | double | The percentage threshold for action widget's width before it overflows to a new line. |
showCloseIcon | bool | Whether to include a close icon widget. |
closeIconColor | String | An optional color for the close icon, if close icon visible. |
duration | StacDuration | The duration for which the snack bar is visible. |
onVisible | Map<String, dynamic> | Called the first time that the snackbar is visible. |
dismissDirection | DismissDirection | The direction in which the SnackBar can be dismissed. |
clipBehavior | Clip | The content will be clipped (or not) according to this option. |
SnackBarAction Properties​
Property | Type | Description |
textColor | String | The button label color. |
disabledTextColor | String | The button disabled label color. |
backgroundColor | String | The button background fill color. |
disabledBackgroundColor | String | The button disabled label color. |
label | String | The button label. |
onPressed | Map<String, dynamic> | The callback to be called when the button is pressed. |
Example JSON​
"actionType": "showSnackBar",
"content": {
"type": "text",
"data": "This is a Snackbar"
"action": {
"label": "Done",
"textColor": "#73C2FB",
"onPressed": {}
"behavior": "floating"