📄️ AlertDialog
The Stac AlertDialog allows you to build a Flutter alert dialog widget using JSON.
📄️ Align
Stac align allows you to build the Flutter align widget using JSON.
📄️ AppBar
The Stac AppBar allows you to build a Flutter app bar widget using JSON.
📄️ AspectRatio
Stac aspectRatio allows you to build the Flutter AspectRatio widget using JSON.
📄️ AutoComplete
The Stac AutoComplete allows you to build a Flutter AutoComplete widget using JSON.
📄️ BottomNavigationBar
The Stac BottomNavigationBar allows you to build a Flutter BottomNavigationBar widget using JSON.
📄️ Card
The Stac Card allows you to build a Flutter Card widget using JSON.
📄️ CarouselView
The Stac CarouselView allows you to build a Flutter CarouselView widget using JSON.
📄️ Center
The Stac Center allows you to build a Flutter center widget using JSON.
📄️ CheckBox
The Stac CheckBox allows you to build a Flutter CheckBox widget using JSON.
📄️ Chip
The Stac Chip allows you to build a Flutter Chip widget using JSON.
📄️ CircleAvatar
The Stac CircleAvatar allows you to build a Flutter circle avatar widget using JSON.
📄️ CircularProgressIndicator
Stac circularProgressIndicator allows you to build the Flutter CircularProgressIndicator widget using JSON.
📄️ ColoredBox
The Stac Colored Box allows you to build a Flutter colored box widget using JSON.
📄️ Column
The Stac Column allows you to build a Flutter column widget using JSON.
📄️ Container
Stac container allows you to build the Flutter container widget using JSON.
📄️ ElevatedButton
The Stac Elevated Button allows you to build a Flutter elevated button widget using JSON.
📄️ Expanded
The Stac Expanded allows you to build a Flutter expanded widget using JSON.
📄️ FilledButton
The Stac Filled Button allows you to build a Flutter filled button widget using JSON.
📄️ FittedBox
Stac FittedBox allows you to build the Flutter FittedBox widget using JSON.
📄️ Flexible
The Stac Flexible allows you to build a Flutter flexible widget using JSON.
📄️ FloatingActionButton
The Stac Floating Action Button allows you to build a Flutter floating action button widget using JSON.
📄️ Form
The Stac Form allows you to build a Flutter form widget using JSON.
📄️ FractionallySizedBox
The Stac FractionallySizedBox allows you to build a Flutter fractionally sized box widget using JSON.
📄️ GridView
The Stac GridView allows you to build a Flutter GridView widget using JSON.
📄️ Icon
The Stac Icon allows you to build a Flutter icon widget using JSON.
📄️ IconButton
The Stac Icon Button allows you to build a Flutter icon button widget using JSON.
📄️ Image
The Image widget allows you to display an image in your Flutter app using JSON. It supports images from multiple sources, including assets, files, and network URLs, and provides customization options such as alignment, color, width, height, and fit.
📄️ Limited Box
Stac LimitedBox allows you to build the Flutter LimitedBox widget using JSON.
📄️ LinearProgressIndicator
Stac linearProgressIndicator allows you to build the Flutter LinearProgressIndicator widget using JSON.
📄️ ListTile
Stac list tile allows you to build the Flutter list tile widget using JSON.
📄️ List View
Stac listview allows you to build the Flutter listview widget using JSON.
📄️ NetworkWidget
The Stac NetworkWidget allows you to build a widget that makes a network request and renders a widget based on the response using JSON.
📄️ Opacity
Stac opacity allows you to build the Flutter Opacity widget using JSON.
📄️ OutlinedButton
The Stac Outlined Button allows you to build a Flutter outlined button widget using JSON.
📄️ Padding
Stac padding allows you to build the Flutter padding widget using JSON.
📄️ PageView
The Stac PageView allows you to build a Flutter PageView widget using JSON.
📄️ Placeholder
The Stac Placeholder widget allows you to build the Flutter Placeholder widget using JSON.
📄️ Positioned
The Stac Positioned allows you to build a Flutter positioned widget using JSON.
📄️ RadioGroup
Stac radioGroup allows you to build the Flutter Radio widgets using JSON.
📄️ RefreshIndicator
The Stac RefreshIndicator allows you to build a Flutter RefreshIndicator widget using JSON.
📄️ Row
Stac row allows you to build the Flutter row widget using JSON.
📄️ SafeArea
Stac SafeArea allows you to build the Flutter SafeArea widget using JSON.
📄️ Scaffold
The Stac Scaffold allows you to build a Flutter scaffold widget using JSON.
📄️ SingleChildScrollView
The Stac SingleChildScrollView allows you to build a Flutter SingleChildScrollView widget using JSON.
📄️ SizedBox
Stac sizedBox allows you to build the Flutter sizedBox widget using JSON.
📄️ Slider
Stac slider allows you to build the Flutter Slider widget using JSON.
📄 ️ Spacer
The Stac Spacer allows you to build a Flutter spacer widget using JSON.
📄️ Stack
The Stac Stack allows you to build a Flutter stack widget using JSON.
📄️ Switch
The Stac Switch widget allows you to build the Flutter Switch widget using JSON.
📄️ TabBar
The Stac TabBar allows you to build a Flutter TabBar widget using JSON.
📄️ Table
StacTable allows you to build the Flutter Table widget using JSON.
📄️ TableCell
StacTableCell allows you to define the Flutter TableCell widget using JSON.
📄️ TableRow
StacTableRow allows you to define the Flutter TableRow widget using JSON.
📄️ Text
Stac text allows you to build the Flutter text widget using JSON.
📄️ TextButton
The Stac Text Button allows you to build a Flutter text button widget using JSON.
📄️ TextField
The Stac TextField allows you to build a Flutter text field widget using JSON. To know more about the text field widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
📄️ TextFormField
The Stac TextFormField allows you to build a Flutter TextFormField widget using JSON.
📄️ Visibility
Stac Visibility allows you to build the Flutter Visibility widget using JSON.
📄️ WebView
The Stac WebView allows you to display WebView widget using JSON in your app. It is based on the webviewflutter plugin.
📄️ Wrap
Stac wrap allows you to build the Flutter wrap widget using JSON