📄️ Border Radius
StacBorderRadius allows you to build the Flutter BorderRadius class using JSON.
📄️ Border Side
StacBorderSide allows you to define the Flutter BorderSide class using JSON.
📄️ BoxFit
The fit property supports the following values:
📄️ Clip
The clipBehavior property determines how the content outside the box is handled:
📄️ Color
The Color that can apply to different Flutter widgets for example text color, background color, border color etc. official documentation.
📄️ StacAlignmentDirectional
Stac AlignmentDirectional allows you to handling alignment widget using JSON.
📄️ Table Border
StacTableBorder allows you to define the Flutter TableBorder class using JSON.
📄️ Table Column Width
StacTableColumnWidth allows you to build the Flutter TableColumnWidth class using JSON.