📄️ Dialog Action
The StacDialogAction class is used to display a dialog in Stac applications.
📄️ Form Validate Action
The StacFormValidateAction class is used to validate a form in Stac applications.
📄️ Get Form Value Action
The StacGetFormValueAction class is used to retrieve a form value in Stac applications.
📄️ Modal Bottom Sheet Action
The StacModalBottomSheetAction class is used to display a modal bottom sheet in Stac applications.
📄️ Navigate Action
The Stac Navigate Action allows you to perform navigation actions in a Flutter application using JSON.
📄️ Network Request Action
The NetworkRequestAction class is used to make network requests in Stac applications.
📄️ None Action
A default action that does nothing.
📄️ SnackBar
Stac snackBar allows you to show the Flutter SnackBar using JSON.