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Theming is an essential part of any application, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the entire app. Stac offers a powerful way to update the theme of your application dynamically using JSON.

Stac theming functions similarly to Flutter's built-in theming. You define the theme in JSON and apply it to your application using the StacTheme widget. This allows for a centralized and easily maintainable approach to managing your app's visual style.

Implementing Stac Theming​

To implement theming in Stac, follow these steps:

  1. Replace MaterialApp with StacApp: Start by replacing your MaterialApp with StacApp
  2. Pass the StacTheme to StacApp: Apply the theme by passing the StacTheme widget to the StacApp. The StacTheme widget takes a StacTheme object as a parameter, which is constructed from your JSON theme definition.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:stac/stac.dart';

void main() async {
await Stac.initialize();
runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StacApp(
theme: StacTheme.fromJson(themeJson),
homeBuilder: (context) => const HomeScreen(),

Map<String, dynamic> themeJson = {
"brightness": "light",
"disabledColor": "#60FEF7FF",
"fontFamily": "Handjet",
"colorScheme": {
"brightness": "light",
"primary": "#6750a4",
"onPrimary": "#FFFFFF",
"secondary": "#615B6F",
"onSecondary": "#FFFFFF",
"surface": "#FEFBFF",
"onSurface": "#1C1B1E",
"background": "#FEFBFF",
"onBackground": "#1C1B1E",
"surfaceVariant": "#E6E0EA",
"onSurfaceVariant": "#48454D",
"error": "#AB2D25",
"onError": "#FFFFFF",
"success": "#27BA62",
"onSuccess": "#FFFFFF"

For more details check out StacTheme class.