The Color
that can apply to different Flutter widgets for example text color, background color, border color etc. official documentation.
Types of color​
There are three different types of colors. Theme color, Hex color and Name color.
Theme colors​
The Theme colors are theme based colors which we define in theme.
These are the theme colors [primary
, onPrimary
, onPrimaryContainer
, secondary
, onSecondary
, secondaryContainer
, onSecondaryContainer
, tertiary
, onTertiary
, tertiaryContainer
, onTertiaryContainer
, error
, onError
, errorContainer
, onErrorContainer
, background
, onBackground
, surface
, onSurface
, surfaceVariant
, onSurfaceVariant
, outline
, outlineVariant
, shadow
, scrim
, inverseSurface
, onInverseSurface
, inversePrimary
, surfaceTint
, scaffoldBackgroundColor
Hex colors​
The Hex colors will allows to define custom hex value. It could be 6 digit Hex code(#FF0000
) or it could be 8 digit Hex code(#88FF0000
) where first 2 digits are for opacity.
Name colors​
The Name colors will allows to provide color by using color names and opacity for black and white colors.
These are the name colors [amber
, amberAccent
, black
, blue
, blueAccent
, blueGrey
, brown
, cyan
, cyanAccent
, deepOrange
, deepOrangeAccent
, deepPurple
, deepPurpleAccent
, green
, greenAccent
, grey
, indigo
, indigoAccent
, lightBlue
, lightBlueAccent
, lightGreen
, lightGreenAccent
, lime
, limeAccent
, orange
, orangeAccent
, pink
, pinkAccent
, purple
, purpleAccent
, red
, redAccent
, teal
, tealAccent
, transparent
, white
, yellow
, yellowAccent
These are the opacities for white color [10
, 12
, 24
, 30
, 38
, 54
, 60
, 70
These are the opacities for black color [12
, 26
, 38
, 45
, 54
, 87
Example 1: Theme color​
"type": "text",
"data": "Hello World!",
"style": {
"color": "primary"
Example 2: Hex color​
"type": "text",
"data": "Hello World!",
"style": {
"color": "#000000"
Example 3: Name color​
"type": "text",
"data": "Hello World!",
"style": {
"color": "black45"