The Stac AlertDialog allows you to build a Flutter alert dialog widget using JSON. To know more about the alert dialog widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
icon | Map<String, dynamic>? | The icon to display in the alert dialog. |
iconPadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding around the icon. |
iconColor | String? | The color of the icon. |
title | Map<String, dynamic>? | The title widget of the alert dialog. |
titlePadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding around the title. |
titleTextStyle | StacTextStyle? | The text style of the title. |
content | Map<String, dynamic>? | The content widget of the alert dialog. |
contentPadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding around the content. |
contentTextStyle | StacTextStyle? | The text style of the content. |
actions | List<Map<String, dynamic>>? | The actions to display in the alert dialog. |
actionsPadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding around the actions. |
actionsAlignment | MainAxisAlignment? | The alignment of the actions. |
actionsOverflowAlignment | OverflowBarAlignment? | The overflow alignment of the actions. |
actionsOverflowDirection | VerticalDirection? | The overflow direction of the actions. |
actionsOverflowButtonSpacing | double? | The spacing between overflow buttons. |
buttonPadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding around the buttons. |
backgroundColor | String? | The background color of the alert dialog. |
elevation | double? | The elevation of the alert dialog. |
shadowColor | String? | The shadow color of the alert dialog. |
surfaceTintColor | String? | The surface tint color of the alert dialog. |
semanticLabel | String? | The semantic label for the alert dialog. |
insetPadding | StacEdgeInsets | The padding around the alert dialog. Defaults to left: 40, right: 40, top: 24, bottom: 24 . |
clipBehavior | Clip | The clip behavior of the alert dialog. Defaults to Clip.none . |
shape | StacShapeBorder? | The shape of the alert dialog. |
alignment | StacAlignmentGeometry? | The alignment of the alert dialog. |
scrollable | bool | Whether the alert dialog is scrollable. Defaults to false . |
Example JSON​
"type": "alertDialog",
"content": {
"type": "padding",
"padding": {
"top": 0,
"left": 12,
"right": 12,
"bottom": 8
"child": {
"type": "text",
"data": "Discard draft?",
"align": "center",
"style": {
"fontSize": 14
"actions": [
"type": "textButton",
"child": {
"type": "text",
"data": "CANCEL"
"onPressed": {
"actionType": "navigate",
"navigationStyle": "pop"
"type": "sizedBox",
"width": 8
"type": "textButton",
"child": {
"type": "text",
"data": "DISCARD"
"onPressed": {
"actionType": "navigate",
"navigationStyle": "pop"
"type": "sizedBox",
"width": 12