The Stac AppBar allows you to build a Flutter app bar widget using JSON. To know more about the app bar widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
leading | Map<String, dynamic>? | The leading widget before the title. |
title | Map<String, dynamic>? | The title widget. |
titleTextStyle | StacTextStyle? | The text style for the title. |
toolbarTextStyle | StacTextStyle? | The text style for the toolbar. |
shadowColor | String? | The color of the shadow below the app bar. |
backgroundColor | String? | The background color of the app bar. |
foregroundColor | String? | The color of the app bar's foreground elements. |
surfaceTintColor | String? | The surface tint color of the app bar. |
actions | List<Map<String, dynamic>> | The list of widgets to display in a row after the title. Defaults to an empty list. |
bottom | Map<String, dynamic>? | The bottom widget of the app bar. |
titleSpacing | double? | The spacing around the title. |
toolbarOpacity | double | The opacity of the toolbar. Defaults to 1.0 . |
bottomOpacity | double | The opacity of the bottom widget. Defaults to 1.0 . |
toolbarHeight | double? | The height of the toolbar. |
leadingWidth | double? | The width of the leading widget. |
primary | bool | Whether this app bar is the primary app bar for the scaffold. Defaults to true . |
centerTitle | bool? | Whether the title should be centered. |
elevation | double? | The elevation of the app bar. |
scrolledUnderElevation | double? | The elevation of the app bar when it is scrolled under. |
Example JSON​
"type": "appBar",
"title": {
"type": "text",
"data": "App Bar Title"
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"foregroundColor": "#000000",
"actions": [
"type": "iconButton",
"icon": {
"type": "icon",
"icon": "search"
"type": "iconButton",
"icon": {
"type": "icon",
"icon": "settings"