The Stac TextField allows you to build a Flutter text field widget using JSON. To know more about the text field widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | StacInputDecoration? | The decoration to show around the text field. |
initialValue | String | The initial value to be set in the text field. |
keyboardType | StacTextInputType? | The type of keyboard to use for editing the text. |
textInputAction | TextInputAction? | The action button to use for the keyboard. |
textCapitalization | TextCapitalization | How the text should be capitalized. |
style | StacTextStyle? | The style to use for the text being edited. |
textAlign | TextAlign | How the text should be aligned horizontally. |
textAlignVertical | StacTextAlignVertical? | How the text should be aligned vertically. |
textDirection | TextDirection? | The direction in which the text flows. |
readOnly | bool | Whether the text field is read-only. |
showCursor | bool? | Whether to show the cursor. |
expands | bool | Whether the text field should expand to fill its parent. |
autofocus | bool | Whether the text field should focus itself if nothing else is already focused. |
obscuringCharacter | String | The character to use when obscuring text. |
maxLines | int? | The maximum number of lines for the text to span. |
minLines | int? | The minimum number of lines for the text to span. |
maxLength | int? | The maximum number of characters to allow in the text field. |
obscureText | bool | Whether to hide the text being edited. |
enableSuggestions | bool | Whether to show input suggestions as the user types. |
enabled | bool? | Whether the text field is enabled. |
cursorWidth | double | The width of the cursor. |
cursorHeight | double? | The height of the cursor. |
cursorColor | String? | The color of the cursor. |
hintText | String? | The hint text to display when the text field is empty. |
inputFormatters | List<StacInputFormatter> | The list of input formatters to apply to the text field. |
Example JSON​
"type": "textField",
"initialValue": "Enter text here",
"decoration": {
"hintText": "Enter your name"
"style": {
"color": "#000000",
"fontSize": 16.0
"textAlign": "center",
"obscureText": false,
"maxLength": 50