The Stac TabBar allows you to build a Flutter TabBar widget using JSON. To know more about the TabBar widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
tabs | List<Map<String, dynamic>> | The tabs to display in the tab bar. |
initialIndex | int | The initial index of the selected tab. Defaults to 0 . |
isScrollable | bool | Whether the tab bar is scrollable. Defaults to false . |
padding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding for the tab bar. |
indicatorColor | String? | The color of the tab indicator. |
automaticIndicatorColorAdjustment | bool | Whether to automatically adjust the indicator color. Defaults to true . |
indicatorWeight | double | The thickness of the tab indicator. Defaults to 2.0 . |
indicatorPadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding for the tab indicator. |
indicatorSize | TabBarIndicatorSize? | The size of the tab indicator. |
labelColor | String? | The color of the selected tab label. |
labelStyle | StacTextStyle? | The text style of the selected tab label. |
labelPadding | StacEdgeInsets? | The padding for the selected tab label. |
unselectedLabelColor | String? | The color of the unselected tab labels. |
unselectedLabelStyle | StacTextStyle? | The text style of the unselected tab labels. |
dragStartBehavior | DragStartBehavior | The drag start behavior. Defaults to DragStartBehavior.start . |
enableFeedback | bool? | Whether to enable feedback for taps. |
physics | StacScrollPhysics? | The scroll physics for the tab bar. |
tabAlignment | TabAlignment? | The alignment of the tabs. |
The Stac DefaultTabController allows you to build a Flutter DefaultTabController widget using JSON. To know more about the DefaultTabController widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
length | int | The number of tabs. |
initialIndex | int | The initial index of the selected tab. Defaults to 0 . |
child | Map<String, dynamic> | The widget below this widget in the tree. |
The Stac Tab allows you to build a Flutter Tab widget using JSON. To know more about the Tab widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
text | String? | The text to display in the tab. |
icon | Map<String, dynamic>? | The icon to display in the tab. |
iconMargin | StacEdgeInsets? | The margin around the icon. |
height | double? | The height of the tab. |
child | Map<String, dynamic>? | The widget below this widget in the tree. |
The Stac TabBarView allows you to build a Flutter TabBarView widget using JSON. To know more about the TabBarView widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
children | List<Map<String, dynamic>> | The widgets to display in each tab. |
initialIndex | int | The initial index of the selected tab. Defaults to 0 . |
dragStartBehavior | DragStartBehavior | The drag start behavior. Defaults to DragStartBehavior.start . |
physics | StacScrollPhysics? | The scroll physics for the tab bar view. |
viewportFraction | double | The fraction of the viewport that each page should occupy. Defaults to 1.0 . |
clipBehavior | Clip | The clip behavior. Defaults to Clip.hardEdge . |
Example JSON​
"type": "defaultTabController",
"length": 3,
"child": {
"type": "scaffold",
"appBar": {
"type": "appBar",
"title": {
"type": "text",
"data": "Tabbar"
"bottom": {
"type": "tabBar",
"tabs": [
"type": "tab",
"text": "Red"
"type": "tab",
"text": "Red"
"type": "tab",
"text": "Red"
"body": {
"type": "tabBarView",
"children": [
"type": "container",
"color": "#D9D9D9"
"type": "container",
"color": "#FC3F1B"
"type": "container",
"color": "#D9D9D9"