The Stac Scaffold allows you to build a Flutter scaffold widget using JSON. To know more about the scaffold widget in Flutter, refer to the official documentation.
Property | Type | Description |
appBar | Map<String, dynamic>? | The app bar widget of the scaffold. |
body | Map<String, dynamic>? | The body widget of the scaffold. |
floatingActionButton | Map<String, dynamic>? | The floating action button widget of the scaffold. |
floatingActionButtonLocation | StacFloatingActionButtonLocation? | The location of the floating action button. |
persistentFooterButtons | List<Map<String, dynamic>>? | The persistent footer buttons of the scaffold. |
drawer | Map<String, dynamic>? | The drawer widget of the scaffold. |
endDrawer | Map<String, dynamic>? | The end drawer widget of the scaffold. |
bottomNavigationBar | Map<String, dynamic>? | The bottom navigation bar widget of the scaffold. |
bottomSheet | Map<String, dynamic>? | The bottom sheet widget of the scaffold. |
backgroundColor | String? | The background color of the scaffold. |
resizeToAvoidBottomInset | bool? | Whether the scaffold should resize to avoid the bottom inset. |
primary | bool | Whether the scaffold is the primary scaffold. Defaults to true . |
drawerDragStartBehavior | DragStartBehavior | The drag start behavior for the drawer. Defaults to DragStartBehavior.start . |
extendBody | bool | Whether the body should extend into the scaffold's bottom padding. Defaults to false . |
extendBodyBehindAppBar | bool | Whether the body should extend behind the app bar. Defaults to false . |
drawerScrimColor | String? | The color of the scrim for the drawer. |
drawerEdgeDragWidth | double? | The width of the edge drag area for the drawer. |
drawerEnableOpenDragGesture | bool | Whether the drawer can be opened with a drag gesture. Defaults to true . |
endDrawerEnableOpenDragGesture | bool | Whether the end drawer can be opened with a drag gesture. Defaults to true . |
restorationId | String? | The restoration ID to save and restore the state of the scaffold. |
Example JSON​
"type": "scaffold",
"appBar": {
"type": "appBar",
"title": {
"type": "text",
"data": "App Bar Title"
"body": {
"type": "center",
"child": {
"type": "text",
"data": "Hello, World!"
"floatingActionButton": {
"type": "floatingActionButton",
"child": {
"type": "icon",
"icon": "add"
"onPressed": {
"type": "function",
"name": "onFabPressed"
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"drawer": {
"type": "drawer",
"child": {
"type": "column",
"children": [
"type": "text",
"data": "Drawer Item 1"
"type": "text",
"data": "Drawer Item 2"